Doris hat unser Haus gereinigt und sether fühlt es sich viel leichter und freier an in den Räumen. Doris hat eine sehr liebevolle Art und ich kann sie wärmstens empfehlen. Vielen lieben Dank.

Yvonne Tschopp – Hypnosetherapeutin

Doris ist echt der Hammer! Sie hat eine wundervolle Gabe und greift mit Ihrer Analyse alle wichtigen Punkte auf. 100% Weiterempfehlung! 

Claudia de Vito – Medienberaterin

Doris has definitely been a big support in supporting me to get more flow and energy into my business, which also means more customers and wonderful jobs. She also helped me see what was the blockage, and I could work it through myself. Doris coaching – to get me into a higher vibration and lift up my company – has also led me to success in my private life. Doris coached me in sept and oct 2019 and in november I met the man of my dreams. I am so happy to have learnt how important it is to keep my vibration high – and how I keep it that way. I recommend Doris deeply from my heart to anyone who wants to transform their lifes into more flow and joy and… as a result… more money. The cleaning of my massage-room has also helped me gain better results and I now look at the energies in the room differently, I feel the stones in the walls are supporting me when I give treatments. That gives a safe and strong feeling for me. Doris has changed my life to more joy than I could ever dream of. But I was a very willing student 😀 Thank you Doris for your BIG inspiration and pepping – like driving a red sportscar in front of me and showing the best energy way! Doris has supported me even more than I asked for.  I am very very grateful. Thank you Doris – you are a wonderful coach with beautiful energy. And that I was in Sweden was no problem. Zoom solved it all. I deeply recommend Doris!

Camilla Andersson – Therapeutin